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Swing for

And Raffle!

A Benefit for the National Bicycle Greenway!

Featuring the hot East & West Coast Swing tunes of:


Circus of the Earth
"Juggling Ecology"

by Sven Jorgenson

Arcane & Esoteric Knowledge
Revealed, Environment Saved

with Magician Tom Connors

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Killer Raffle Prizes
(need not be present to win -- to buy tickets)
$1/apiece or 7/$5


When: May 10th, 1998, 7PM

Price: $10/Advance, $12/At the door

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Raffle Prizes(as of 7/6/98)
(need not be present to win -- to buy tickets)

Winter Weekend Wine Country Getaway. $200 value

Kool Stride baby jogger, $300 value

Dinner for two, $30 value

Deluxe subscription, $43 value

Set Shimano SXT brakes, $60 value + gift certificate worth 15% off on any one of their pricey bikes

$25 gift certificate
Don Chu, PhD, RPT: The Acceleration Program, a 6-week (3/x week) physical training program to help you in your specific sport, $350 value
Cycling Jersey, $65 value

A one night weekday stay. $216 value

Free landscaping consultation, $60 value
Sullivan's Bike: Giro helmet
Andy's at the End of the Wharf: $25 gift certificate
Family Cycling: $30 gift certificate

Tom Marcoux: 1 hour of professional and personal coaching on the telephone. Value $125. Plus a copy of his highly acclaimed book, "Wake and Smell the Money"
Martan Mann: Piano lesson, $50 value

Andy Santana: Harmonica lesson and a Hohner harmonica, $60 value + 2 CDs of their latest release
Gizdich Ranch: Jam gift basket, $45 value
Trowbridge Canoe Trips: Canoe Trip for two, $45 value
Grainaissance: $35 Gift Pak The Connection magazine: 1/10 pg ad, $135 value

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To Buy Raffle or Event Tickets by Mail: Cycle America, POB 3346, Santa Cruz CA 95063, 408-427-2421

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To order by credit card, complete and submit the following e-mail form:
(Asteriked (*) items must be filled in, $25 minimum)

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Enter Your Ship to Information:

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