The Pittsburgh reception: Ken Lloyd, OraSue McKinnon, Ro Fischer, Jim Muellner, Denise Hill, David Hiebert
Santa Cruz NBG Fest Sunday, August 17, 2003
Final Report (What Happened)
Story in Pictures
The Santa Cruz NBG (National Bicycle Greenway) Bike Fest is the final destination for a 25 city relay ride that began in Washington DC on May 2,2003. Here's the schedule for the ride.
Toward the end of connecting Santa Cruz, Davenport and Watsonville with a Coastal Rail Path along the Union Pacific right of way, this event will show why we need such an important through way -- NOW as it also showcases the work of the Friends of the Rail
Trail of Santa Cruz County
Besides relay riders and all the publicity that will result from their rides and mayoral receptions,
the Santa Cruz NBG Fest will also bring other long distance cyclists from far
and wide to San Lorenzo Park, across the river from the sponsoring city's
As a festival celebrating cycling, and the bigger picture of reaching
out to other large population centers with bikeways that connect to
one another, the best of Santa Cruz will be on display for all the
world to see. The Santa Cruz NBG Bike Fest will also feature live music (five bands including Prince Lawsha's only US appearance) and speakers including Congressman Sam Farr, County Supervisor Mardi Warmhoudt, Assemblyman John Laird and Capitola City Councilman Dennis Norton.

Rep. Sam Farr (D-CA)
The Santa Cruz NBG Bike Fest will feature:
- Live music
- Speakers, dancers and body building champions
- Clowns, life-sized puppets, and face painters
- Stilt walkers and jugglers
- Food booths
- Vendor booths -- antique bikes, new bikes, electric bikes, recumbent bikes, bike clothing, massage, and more!
- Info booth for Santa Cruz to Pajaro River Coastal Trail
Come and join us!
Main Stage
11:00 |
11:15 |
Ruby Rudman National Anthem
11:30 |
Prince Lawsha
12:15 |
Raffle Giveaway
12:30 |
Claire Machado
1:15 |
Buff Wear Demo
1:25 |
Gabrielle Nicander Posing Routine |
1:30 |
Keen Cousins w/10 min Swing Demo
2:15 |
Rail Trail Speakers - Sam Farr,
Mardi Warmhoudt, Dennis Norton
3:00 |
Raffle Giveaway
3:15 |
Andy Santana
4:00 |
Patzner Bros String Metal
4:15 |
Banned Together
5:00 |
NBG Hall of Fame Intro w/ Andrew Heckman |
Jody Fitch, Skot Paschal, Max Chen, Rocky Brown
5:45 |
Grand Prize Giveaway |
This Year's Performers
Prince Lawsha
Only US Appearance
Andy Santana
Claire Machadp
Banned Together
Keen Cousins
Patzner Boys String Metal
Accordian Man

Special Treat!
Jessica Menendez will model her Alaska Buff Wear

Gabrielle Nicander