Castle Cuffe!

When I was at Eviction Cottage several weeks ago, I took a few pictures of an interesting edifice a few hundred yards away. I had heard it was a castle and hadn’t looked for it on the internet until now. I found it was called Castle Cuffe and was able to come up with the following:

Sir Charles Coote built it on lands obtained from Tadgh oDunne about the year 1560. It was a mansion of considerable size, as the existing ruins I could see seemed to prove. The mortar that holds it together was thought to be tough because it was mixed with the blood of oxen, specially killed for the purpose. Seems around 1700, two small armies fought each other over it, with the victor leaving it destroyed.

Sir Charles wife was Dorothea Cuffe from County Cork. That is why it is called Castlecuffe.

I pass by ruins like this often out here in Ireland. Each with a story to tell, often centuries old, many of which have become lost with the passage of time….