Palo Alto – Cornerstone for National Bicycle Greenway

Led by former Palo Alto resident and National Bicycle Greenway director, Martin Krieg, who is now living in Indianapolis (why), the home of the NBG, the NBG long (after 12 years of coast-to-coast Mayors’ Rides) has seen Palo Alto as the cornerstone for its coast-to-coast bike route. Since the most practical way to pedal a bicycle over the Bay from San Francisco or anywhere on the peninsula to the NBG terminus, Washington, DC, is via the Dumbarton Bridge (all this changed Nov 2019 when the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge was opened to cyclists), Palo Alto has now become an official NBG bicycle crossroads city. A gold level League of American Bicyclists Bicycle Friendly City, and the former home of seminal bike activist, Ellen Fletcher, RIP, for whom America’s first Bike Blvd was named, Palo Alto, has long been an important player on the national bike scene.

Toward that end, in May, during Bike Month, three California Mayors’ Rides will begin or end end in Palo Alto. On Saturday, May 9, former Palo Alto Mayor, Yoriko Kishimoto, will be bringing a contingent of local government and bike leaders to the city named after its tall tree from a send off in San Jose. San Jose is another of this Nation’s leading bike cities, as Krieg details in his book about the NBG called “How America Can Bike and Grow Rich, the National Bicycle Greenway in Action“.

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