National Bicycle Greenway, the Book

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“National Bicycle Greenway, the Book” (NBB), began in 1986 when a reporter asked Martin Krieg what he would do now that his bike ride across America had just reached 40 million people. When Krieg boasted that he would connect the coasts with a bikeway like the one he had just ridden from one end of Cape Cod to the other, he had thought everyone would jump on the bandwagon once he got his story out in book form. When his autobiography, “Awake Again”, finally did publish in 1994, of which the Greenway dream is the theme, little did he know that he had prescribed a lifetime of often uncelebrated work for himself.

Now however, the planet has reached a point where his efforts need to bear fruit. Toward that end, NBB will capitalize on Krieg’s lifetime of work. In laying a foundation for what lies ahead, NBB is a compendium of his several decades worth of selected NBG writings as well as present developments and what is planned for the National Bicycle Greenway starting in the Spring of 2016.

Besides NBB being the fund raiser that will prime the pump for the work detailed in the NBG’s 7-year plan, it will also serve as an awareness invoking tool. As such, the financial sponsors who help NOW to get NBB written (here is our NBB GoFundMe campaign) will be noted in NBB alongside those cyclists who ride all or part of our San Francisco to Washington, DC route (cycle tourists wanted NOW!) at

Going forward, NBB will also showcase the 20 NBG Anchor cities that serve as way-points to hold our coast-to-coast route together. Here, the biking report cards we already have on line and the Virtual Tours (Reno example) we will have developed for each of these population centers will also be presented. As a very long Thank You card, the cyclists from as far back as 1997 who helped us scout the route we now have on line will be celebrated in the NBG Hall of Fame at NBB.

Rich in information, “National Bicycle Greenway, the Book”, will plant the shade tree, the National Bicycle Greenway, that will endure long after all of us are gone. Please become a part of history by supporting this effort!!  THX 4 all of U!!