Next to the US Bicycling Hall of Fame
As one of the nation’s top Farmers Markets winds down
Kick off of National Bicycle Greenway
Mayors’ Ride (since 2002)
connecting cyclists with San Francisco to Washington, DC and beyond
Live Music from local Davis Bands
Notable Speakers

1:00 Davis Car-Free Mayor Robb Davis will receive Mayors’ Ride cyclists coming from Oakland with a proclamation from the City of Davis that also recognizes this year’s 50-year anniversary of Davis being home to the first bike lane in America
1:30 Beyond Uranium

2:00 NBG History & Vision Martin Krieg

2:30 Beyond Uranium

3:00 Dr. Tilahun Yilma – arguably the top educator in the world, will talk about how his fervent road biking keeps his mind and his body young as he lectures the world around. Yilma, the only educator recognized by the National Academy of Science, created a vaccine for a virus that had wiped out 90 percent of Ethiopia’s cattle, causing millions of people to starve to death in the late 1800s.

3::45 Charles Lang’s Piano Magic

4:15 Roots Man Project
5 finish
40 Minute Introductory Tour of Davis from the Davis Commons
Sinead Santich on Davis || National Bicycle Greenway Board
National Bicycle Greenway
San Francisco to Washington DC Route
2002 Santa Cruz NBG Fest
2003 Santa Cruz NBG Fest
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