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San Francisco
Willie Brown with Krieg
Jim Muellner, Jim Wetherell. An occasional bike rider, he told us to talk to him if there was some way he could help in making the National Bicycle Greenway real.
London Breed
Former Mayor and present CA Governor, Gavin Newsom
Former Mayor and Speaker of the House, Willie Brown, with Krieg’s book about his return from death. Once the most powerful leader in CA government, as former presidential candidate, Kamala Harris’s former partner, he served as her political mentor
Annual San Francisco to Palo Alto Ride
Palo Alto
Ellen Fletcher led the charge for first Bike Blvd in USA (here is podcast she did with us)
2005 catered by Whole Foods
Eric Filseth
Dumbarton Br. coming from Palo Alto, an NBG Crossroads City, on the way to Oakland. To bike the USA from San Francisco, this is the way one must go.
Three Mayors:
Jim Birch, Arcata Mayor Bob Ornelas and future Mayor Yoriko w/Max Chen and Krieg at left
At Palo Alto City Hall with Mayor Yoriko Kishimoto
The internationally acclaimed NBG Busycle starred in Palo Alto for 4 years.
Santa Cruz to San Jose to Palo Alto Sun 7/19
Santa Cruz
Councillor Michael Hernandez and Congressman Sam Farr
Councillor Nancy Nadel on trike she campaigned for office on
Jerry Grulkey talks with Arcata Mayor Bob Ornelas who rode down from his city collecting signatures from other Mayors to support NBG
Mayor Ed Henderson with NBG Scout Andrew Morton and Eagle Cycling Club
Jil Techel
Ron Bishop and others on bike path entrance from Oakland side of the Carquinez Bridge that opened in 2003. Jerry Grulkey was instrumental in getting the path built as the 1927 Bridge was rebuilt
Deputy Mayor Juliana Inman received our 2009 Mayors’ Ride from Oakland
In 2006 Mayor Jil received Scott Campbell’s Trans Am ride from Washington, DC that can be seen in this amazing video
More bicycle infrastructure per sq. mile than anywhere in USA
Krieg with
Mayor Ruth Asmundson
Brett Lee
Car Free Krieg with Car Free Davis Mayor Robb Davis
In 1967, Davis established the first bike lane in USA – HERE is the 50-year celebration
Annual American River Ride 7/25
Don Loomis’ DC to SF scouting trip for our route stopped at the Capitol
Chicago Bike Coordiator, Ben Gomberg receives Mayors’ Ride cyclists
The Bean was made in Oakland, CA
Chicagoland Prez Randy Neufield helps receive NBG riders
Virtual Tour of internationally celebrated Cultural Trail which has transformed downtown Indy
and that we want to replicate in all of our NBG Anchor Cities
Our reception will take place on the bridge in the true Gateway to the West
per this Chapter from the above book.
Mayor with The Eagle Bicycle and Car Free ex-Athenaeum*
CEO Cassie Stockamp & Tracy Chandler, who is also Car Free, at the White River inaugural Dragon Boat Race.
* Built in 1893 by author Kurt Vonnegut’s grandparents, the Athenaeum is where, in 1912, Carl Fisher announced his plans to build the first Transamerica road, the Lincoln Highway
NBG Director, Martin Krieg’s Grandparents were born in Indy
Lewis Krieg 1859
Fred Krieg 1888
Mayor Joe
Hogsett with world-class unicyclist, ballet performer Eddie Moffat
Known nationally as Mr. Greenway, Ray Irvin is a huge supporter of the National Bicycle Greenway. HERE is the podcast interview we did with him.
John Cranley
Mayor Charlie Luken with NBG Mayors’ Ride rider, Concetta Curtis
Mayor Charlie Luken, Steve Shaw (a former Mayor), Victor Grinshtein (who rode a Row Bike), Marshall Lafferty, Don Burrell from OKI
Mayor Michael Coleman with MaryEllen O’Shaughnessy, Franklin County Clerk of Courts at NBG Day
Andrew Ginther
Scott & MaryEllen O’Shaughnessy
Mary Ellen at left with Sharon Bouchonville who rode the proclamations from DC and Pgh that Rosemarie Rosetti is holding w/Council President Matt Habash. Chris Detwiller in back rode them to Cincy and Indy
Mayor Tom Murphy Received Gil Gilmore & Dave Rabinowitz on the first relay of our 2002 inaugural Mayors’ Ride from Washington, DC. They had just completed the first leg of the National Bicycle Greenway – the 300+ mile C&O/Great Allegheny Passage
Bill Peduto
Mayor Tom Murphy the man credited with transforming Pittsburgh received us
Ro Fischer, the Mayor’s Scheduler who introduced our Mayors’ Ride to all the Mayors along our route. with Nick Hein & Troy Bogdan, she was our champion!
At the massive Venture Outdoors festival, its founder Michael Sobkowiak introduces Murphy behind him and our riders to the crowd.
Mayor Bob O’Connor receives Nick, Scott and Troy, all who had just ridden from DC on the Car Free C&O & Great Allegheny
Washington, DC
At Washington, DC City Hall (which is several blocks from the Nation’s Capital)
Muriel Bowser
Our first National Bicycle Greenway Proclamation from Mayor Anthony Williams
Pete Hein, Concetta Curtis, Phil Koopman, of Bicycle Space, who helped us a lot in DC, Jim Sebastian, DC Bike Coordinator, Troy Bogdan, Nick Hein. Eric Gilliland, WABA director
Where it all Began
Inaugural 2002 Mayors’ Ride send off from Mayor Anthony Williams VIDEO
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