The following appeared in June 2003 on the Santa Cruz Bike mailing list:
As what is the smallest multi city county in the state of CA, San Francisco is a city and a county, Santa Cruz has, most arguably, the most intense concentration of bicycle activity than anywhere in the world. As per the Santa Cruz Bike Scene,
Santa Cruz has:
– More bike shops (11) per capita (52,000) than anywhere in US
– More national bike businesses (13) than any city in the US
– Full time city bike coordinator
– More Miles of bike lanes per mile of road than anywhere in US
– Most beautiful bike roads in the world within minutes
– County sponsored electric bike program
– Home to largest electric assisted bike store in the US! Electric Sierra Cycles
– 2nd largest Bike to Work program in the US
– Home to many bike celebrities
– Active bicycle email list
– Home of National Bicycle Greenway (now in San Francisco and Castlebar, Ireland)
– Home of Santa Cruz Hub which includes: People Power (model bike
advocacy group) Bike Church (model volunteer run bike repair) Ped Ex (model bicycle
delivery service)
– Virtual Tour of Santa Cruz
– Most miles of mountain biking trails per mile of road than anywhere in the US
– Home of largest Greenway festival in the US – the Santa Cruz NBG Bike Fest
Is there any disagreement to the above contention?? If you don’t want to answer in this forum, my
email is
MARTIN KRIEG: “Awake Again” Author c/o 79 & 86 TransAms, nonprofit Nat. Bicycle
Greenway CEO Ever wanted anything so bad U were willing to die for it? Really die? By moving thru
clinical death and reversing paralysis, *I saw God* when I answered that question.
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