Which Relay link do you want to ride?
The Folsom to Davis link
How you found us
Jacques Graber
Why you want to do this ride
The fun of riding with a group to promote a good cause.
Tell us about your touring experience- if little or none, indicate many miles have you ridden over the last year:
Did the SF-LA Aideslife ride last June. Typlically ride well over 5000 miles a year.
Tell us about your bike
I’ll probably ride a LIghtning P-38 recumbent. .
Describe your training regimen
I ride to work every day and do most of my errands on a bike. On weekends I go on 40-50 mile rides.
How are you making time for this
Weekend ride is not a problem
What are your fears about doing this ride
None that I can think of.
Do you have any special skills that you feel would benefit the Mayors’ Ride?
I’m good a fixing flats.
If you are involved with other non-profit organizations, please tell us about them
I financially support (among others): ACLU, Oxfam, AFSC (Quaker), FCNL (Quaker), Planned Parenthood, PFlag, Amnesty International, UNICEF
E-mail: shefelbine@csus.edu
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