If you want to return to the simplicity of good old fashioned classified ads that don't involve the lead time of auctions, the bother of passwords, fees and/or the complexity of the EBay middle man, do help us get our National Bicycle Greenway bicycle ads re-seeded.
As our recumbent friends have learned over the last 10 years they have been using them, our ads SELL bikes. Here are a few testimonials:
I am a regular reader and have found two of the five recumbents I now own on this site - TA
I read your ads every night - DF
I love your ads; I tell everyone about them. I've done thousands of dollars worth of biz on here - KC
Feel free to place bikes, parts and rides at our site:
Note: With the help of a small force of volunteer spam cops, we are once again opening up all of our bike categories. This after a brutal onslaught of garbage ads that nearly ended this long running free service. If you want to run a photo with your ad, send a note to nbgATbikerouteDOTcom. The fee for picture ads is normally $20 but for a limited time we are offering them for $10...