Farmer poses with my bike
Until I get the Eagle (link) over here, to keep my mind’s eye on it, here is what I ride, and a little bit of how I ride it:
– frame: unknown department store brand
– tires: 26 x 2.125 (rarely kept at full pressure pumped to max every 3 weeks)
– pedals: plain, no toe clips
– weight: 70 lbs
– bottom bracket: broken bearings
– use of gears: as little as possible
– standing out of seat: as often as possible
– daily week average: 150-200 ms
– Irish roads: rarely warm requiring I have to work harder
– Irish temps: often below 65 degrees where body is most inefficient
I am not riding a recumbent, which I prefer, because I need the arm and chest strength required to hold my upper body up on the Eagle, a strength I augment with weight workouts.
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