Virginia gave birth to a little boy who we hope will carry the National Bicycle Greenway torch for many years to come. We have named him Cayo, which in Latin means happiness. Far more than joy for us, we selected that name to affirm for all he touches that to enjoy life is our birthright.
You can watch him grow with us as we will be using this space to post pictures of Baby Cayo from time to time..
Cayo went for his first bike ride today. Well over half a mile on the balance bike he got for Christmas. He hadn’t been able to get his feet well enough on the ground until the last few weeks. However, we have had some pretty bad weather over here until today!
For me, as Cayo’s dad and NBG Director, this makes my time away from the front lines of American cycling feel justified. In bringing what I hope is a cyclist into the world, I can only hope that Spirit will work with me to make sure Cayo’s efforts on two wheels make biking easier for great numbers of people!!
The nine second video below is of Cayo and I riding together. So fulfilling to have gotten him to this level. We rode about 2 miles today! Most ever. This is taken at Loch Lannagh here in Castlebar, Ireland. He’s a little over 3 and 1/2 now.
Sadly, this is likely the last footage of he and I together in Ireland as I am soon off to America to put my best foot forward to make the National Bicycle Greenway a reality!!
THX 4 all of U!!
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