Five Pound Dog Hampers Training Ride


This little dog followed me for three miles. Every time I thought I had him lost, he would appear AGAIN. Right in front of my wheel. On one of his many detours, he entered a large field where he chased two big black birds and then four sheep and two cows.

I laughed inside for a few hundred yards as all this unfolded. You see, I was on one side of a four foot tall stone hedge. And he was on the other.

I had thought that by the time he noticed I was missing, I would be too far away for him to catch me. Assuming of course, he would have to race back around the long fence to continue as my leader.

Well, he looked up. Saw me towering above the road. Got excited. And all six inches of him, he jumped the fence and was running back and forth in front of my wheel all over again.

I got up to maybe twenty miles an hour for a short bit at one point. And as I hammered, he was right there darting back and forth in front of my smaller front wheel eight feet down.

With houses maybe a mile apart, I finally I stopped at one along the way and talked the lady in the front yard into taking him back to the dwelling he had started following me from.
