In Redlands, CA (population 70K), about 60 miles inland from Los Angles, a bike co-op is empowering the local citizenry. With inspiration and knowledge drawn from the Sacramento Bike Kitchen well over 400 miles to the north, two men, Matt Baker and John Gravois are getting more people on bikes by making it possible for them to work on their own pedal machines.
It is the example they are setting that I discuss in “How America Can Bike and Grow Rich”, when I talk about the NBG Hubs that I envision for our Mayors’ Ride cities all across the Nation. Just as Mitch and John learned some of the ropes of their trade in Sacramento, what people will be learning at our Hubs will be brought to cities and towns, small and large, all across America. It is this I foresee as I fine tune my book over here in Europe, on the Emerald Isle.
Everyone wins when co-ops like this one make it easier for people to break into cycling. This is so especially for bike shops because as these new cyclists begin to demand more from their bikes, they look to the traditional bike shop to help them satisfy their needs….
Read the story about the Redlands Co-op HERE.