Cruz Bike (Recumbent) Mom Shatters 24-Hour Record

49 year-old Maria Parker, a mother of four kids and co-owner of NBG Supporter, Cruz Bike, the amazing Front Wheel Drive recumbent bike, just broke the world 24-hour record. HERE  is the news story that appeared about her breaking it.
And here is the result (from the Cruz Bike Facebook page):
CRUZBIKE Ok, back home now. 24-hour mileage is 470-ish. 12-hr mileage 258-ish. 200 mile time 9:20-ish. All significantly longer/faster world records, pending certification. Cold temperatures forced Maria to wear a puffy fleece coat at night + fatigue and angry stomach brought 32 mile laps from under 1:30 to about 2 hours each. Maria is tired, now sitting in a warm shower. -Jim


12-14-12, 29 minutes ago · 1


fyi:  The men’s  upright bicycle road racing record was set  in 2004, in Slovenia, by Sergej Kaucevic. He covered 521 miles in 24-hours..


btw: Maria has always taken an interest in and supported the cross country HiWHeel rides NBG Director, Martin Krieg, has done..