Pawel Bullet Proofs my Rim!!

Pawel Guba, a talent beyond compare (see why), had me come in yesterday to get my rim. It’s done!! A 4 mil layer of stainless steel now runs around the entire inside of the rim. He used the machine above to press the metal into an exact fit on the rim before he then tig welded it in place!  Once he then drilled all 72 spoke holes through what is now two layers of steel, I had a perfectly round rim again!! And strong enough now for the Irish roads!! Yahoo!!
Next step: Painting and then building it!!
It took longer than expected because Pawel was waiting on his friend to build a custom cam for the machine above.
Pawel’s studio is located in the industrial section of Castlebar. I rode home in 30 degree temps. On the recumbent or mountain bike, 10 -15 miles a day, 5x a week, I’m usually rolling in the low 30’s and 40’s anymore…..

Pawel Guba ROX!!