Cruzbike Maria Roars Back in RAAM from Horrific Van Crash

Details are still being pieced together but Maria Parker has climbed back to second place in her division after being forced to temporarily withdraw after a wreck  destroyed the support vehicle  that was following her.The only recumbent in a field of dozens of other bike racing competitors,  Maria had pedaled nearly 600 miles and two days straight when the van following her was rear ended   just east of Tuba City, Arizona. In addition to the  several crew members who suffered minor injuries, including scrapes and bruises, one had a head injury, how serious I have been unable to ascertain.  If that was not demoralising enough. Maria’s back up bike, tires and food (her liquid race diet) were all destroyed.

However, the Cruzbike community answered her call for a bike with a plethora of offers to help with their own personal machines. Local bike shops have pitched in. And another support vehicle has cropped up.

And Maria is back in the race hunt all over again! She even just passed Kathy Roche-Wallace, the holder of the current female RAAM record of 12 days, 15 hours and 59 minutes. In her division, only RAAM legend Seana Hogan—the event’s only 6-time winner— who is back for her first RAAM since 1998, stands in Maria’s way!

To learn more, be kept abreast and/or to see Maria in action along with all the loving support she has surrounded herself with, 3ktoacure is a public page that will greatly inspire you!!Visit to donate or text “RACE” to 20222 to give $10. Updates on Parker’s race can be found at 3ktoacure.

No doubt the world’s toughest test of endurance, Maria Parker, a 50-year old mother of four young adults, is showing the world she has as much power as her indomitable Cruzbike!!
btw: To hear her talk about her sister who has brain cancer that she is doing this ride for and how trained for it, go HERE.