View San Francisco to Washington, DC in a larger map
Soon, we will have all the separate connections merged so we can present the overview at our site. In the interim, I just got this from the former Mayor of Santa Cruz (located on the coast 100-miles below San Francisco), who was clearing up some files. Indeed Chris Krohn long has seen the big picture:
Dear Mayor Williams,
On Sunday, August 11, 2002, the first annual Santa Cruz National
Bicycle Greenway (NBG) Fest will be held in the City of Santa Cruz and
will serve as the final destination for a ten-city relay that will
begin in Washington, DC, and is expected to bring cyclists from all
over the United States. The purpose of this event is to offer America
a solution to its transportation woes with a nationwide network of
interconnected bike roads and pathways called the NBG. For additional
information, the website address is As
Mayor of the City of Santa Cruz, using this as a medium, I am inviting
you to connect your city with ours.
The promoters of this event, the same group that sent a significant
number of cyclists to you in 2000, would like to bring bike riders
from you to us armed with your official decree-a mayoral proclamation
stating your support for safe bikeable connections from one coast and
major metro area to another.
In 2000, the riders that visited Washington, DC, area were armed with
two resolutions, one from Mount Rainer, MD, the host to the street
fair that followed the NBG ride around the Capitol, and the other from
Santa Cruz, CA, drafted just before the NBG sent riders to you from
our lighthouse. Set up as a national relay, your proclamation will go
up the Chesapeake and Ohio path toPittsburgh, PA, for a reception and
send-off before it is then passed off and carried by another rider to
the next destination. This sequence repeats itself in eight more
major cities on its way to us, where it will, once again, be read in
my opening remarks that kick off the Santa Cruz NBG Fest.
In conclusion, I believe that this could be a great promotion for both
of our cities. Can the City of Santa Cruz look to you for support?
The relay will begin near the end of May, and the NBG group has a lot
of coordination to do in the interim, so your timely response is much
needed and appreciated. Thank you in advance for your consideration
of this request.
Christopher Krohn