NBG Map Excitement Put on Temporary Hold

Armed at long last with an on-line route from one coast to the other for the National Bicycle Greenway, outdated software has tripped us up. Just as we were starting to flesh our map out with area histories, and other color from “How America Can Bike and Grow Rich, the NBG Manifesto” as well as info from our NBG Biking Cities program, our new service provider killed the National Bicycle Greenway part of our site site because they do not support the old software it relied on. As it turns our, the once cutting edge web pages that developers from all over the USA built in 2003 to help us research our route, didn’t make the transition from PHP 3 to PHP 5, when we moved it with BikeRoute.com, it’s parent directory.

Since returning to the limited Addr.com environment is not an option, and PHP 5 is the only software Blue Host supports, we have suddenly ended up with many hundreds of dead NBG pages. Pages that will need to be rebuilt before we can market our exciting new maps. As such, before we can start getting them known about to cyclists, as we also add the where to eat, sleep, and play purveyors along the way, we must turn our attention to fixing this problem

In order to do so in a way that we can reappear as a strong, forward going movement, I reached out to Lori Yung. Lori has been our ace in the hole for making a worthy on line presence possible for the National Bicycle Greenway since 1996. In fact, it was Lori who helped us get on line with one of the web’s first few hundred pages back at a time when few people even knew what ‘WWW’ meant.

Fortunately for cyclists everywhere, we found a cheerful Lori in between jobs and ready and willing to not just get our 16 years of work back on line but to hopefully get it to the Internet’s leading edge once again. Understanding the urgency we feel, and being very familiar with Word Press, she has already begun the work of moving our sadly ameliorated NBG site to that platform. Nor can I be happy and excited enough!! This is so because she also tells me that as she shops her own amazing skills around, while new potential employers consider her resume, that she will also clean up BikeRoute.com!

In going forward, we are excited that Lori will be deploying her many talents to add consistency to our sites as she also makes them easier to navigate. This as our blueprint, our recently completed manifesto, “How America Can Bike and Grow Rich, the NBG Manifesto”, will be the new glue that holds it all together as we use it to chart the course for her efforts. And once an exciting new facelift soon evolves from our present setback, we will be able to present our long history with a freshness that will surely catapult the NBG movement to the next level. This as we stand tall before American business concerns in calling for their support to help make our coast-to-coast bicycle highway route as powerful as it is real!!

To give you a sneak preview of what kind of look Lori is bringing to our effort, HERE is the blog she is working on that transitions our limited WordPress Dot Com site to a full blown WordPress/BlueHost Dot Org site.

All too too exciting.

Coast to coast National Bicycle Greenway here we come!! No Doubt!!
