Why Our New Coast-to-Coast Route Means Business for your Business

Biking is booming in the cities. And the efforts of two-wheelers mean business for all those who do business in America’s population centers. As we launch the NBG Biking Cities program made up of the 16 major cities on our route from San Francisco to Washington, DC, if you are along the way, per the below, you will see why we look forward to getting you involved:

1. Americans – especially young people – are driving less and biking more.


Employers say their headhunters get a competitive edge by locating in areas with great biking networks, so savvy companies are locating near protected bike lanes to attract and keep Millennials and Gen X-ers.

2. Americans are flocking to urban areas, congesting city streets and creating market demand for solutions that increase street flow without adding gridlock.


Studies show that homes near bicycle infrastructure appreciate in value more than equivalent houses away from bike lanes.

3. With health care costs at an all-time high, companies are scrambling to get more employees exercising regularly.


Newsflash: healthcare is expensive. Companies benefit when more employees find it pleasant to bike to the office, because workers who exercise regularly are less expensive to insure.

4. In shopping districts, the most valuable customers are those who stop by often.


Alliance for Biking & Walking | PO Box 65150 | Washington | DC | 20035

THX 4 all of U!!