Reno, NV Anchored First on NBG TransAmerica Route

On my 2009 Eagle HiWheel ride from San Francisco to Salt Lake City <link>, with former Reno Wheelmen bike president Mike Damon’s help, I got to learn about Reno, Nevada from a cyclist’s perspective. And indeed there is a lot there! As such, if more cyclists knew Reno in the way I was able to see it, I know a lot more bike rides across America would brave the desert to make their coast to coast rides quicker and more direct. And as I show in “How America Can Bike and Grow Rich, the NBG Manifesto”, Reno is also the gateway to the (for cars) Loneliest Hwy where the magic of still active ghost towns (4) brings the desert alive to end each days ride.

It is for these reasons that we chose to make Reno the first city we showcased as a part of our NBG coast to coast bike route. HERE is the link for Reno that pops out from our main USA map on the home page of our massive site

We still have work to do such as getting the Reno anchor, the amazing 1050-room Harrahs Casino & Hotel hooked up with bike routes to Reno’s attractions such as its peaceful twelve-mile, car-free Truckee River Bike Path, its museums and parks and its baseball stadium, etc. And yet as we do so, I invite you to take a look at what we have for Reno  so far. By the time the summer is out, Reno NBG Biking will have a familiar look to it. What you will have seen is the template for all the 16 NBG Biking Coties that lie ahead.

The next subject of our focus in this way is Indianapolis, the center  of the Greenway universe. Tentatively come Sun June 29, we are hoping to do a festive tour of the Indianapolis Greenway system. Preceded by the June 27 Chicago Critical Mass and followed hopefully by a July 4 Tour of also nearby Cincinnati.

We plan to have Indy, Cincy and C’go, along with most of those cities on our CA Mayors’ Ride fully fleshed out  as a part of our transcontinental route before we ride them  in July. By 2015 we hope to have all of our NBG Biking Cities complete in the way we are describing here.

As such, if Ray Irvin and I can keep making  our dreams real, we will be touring our route with me on the Eagle and Ray in our mobile office, towing the Busycle, no less!!

THX 4 all of U!!