Two NBG Books Now Free & NY Times Features Fruit of Ray Irvin’s Indy Greenway Efforts

Fueled by the notion that if you get a piece of someone’s pocket, you get a piece of their heart, for the last year we have charged a small amount of money for “How America Can Bike and Grow Rich, the National Bicycle Greenway Manifesto“. However when only one to three per cent of the people who visit the book’s site take the time and trouble to make an actual purchase, you know something is wrong. We are not a book publisher or book marketing company, we are just trying to get the National Bicycle Greenway vision out there.

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We need for people who don’t want the whole book to see what we are saying about certain aspects about which they are interested. Whether it’s why we do our annual Mayors’ Rides. What we are saying about their city, what the route we have configured across the USA  looks like or just what it looks and feels like to be eight feet above the ground on a HIWheel bike, etc, they can now go to our Table of Contents and pick only what they want to read. For FREE. Without having to dig around for their credit card!

We are so confident that  “How America Can Bike and Grow Rich, the National Bicycle Greenway in Action” (we changed the last word of the book’s subtitle)   will help to make the National Bicycle Greenway a reality once  a critical mass of readers experience it, that we are now making it free! My own eight years of focus, sacrifice, research, writing and rewriting  will all have been worth it if  we can get the National Bicycle Greenway message  into a very large number of people’s possibility consciousness.

To get your free copy for your iPhone, Android, iPad or just to read it on the web or as a PDF, go HERE
You may notice that we changed it from the Amazon platform. We have also changed some of the book’s structure so there is better flow for the book’s message of a National Bicycle Greenway. Now that we have gotten this on-line book in synch with its mission to guide our efforts to make its words real, we can now turn our efforts back to our campaign to get our coast-to-coast map at fleshed out.


Awake Again”, the autobio for the first phase of my life is now FREE for liking!! You can get the coupon code in the ‘About’ section there.

NY Times: Irvin’s Indianapolis Greenways Supercharge the Local Economy

Published on March 6, 2014

The following article that appeared in the New York Times, is a small example   of the kind of impact Ray Irvin, Mr Greenway, and our unofficial leader, has had on what has become the center of the Greenway Universe, Indianapolis:

For an old car town, Indianapolis has been doing a lot for biking lately. A new eight-mile landscaped bike and pedestrian pathway is helping residents rediscover their city and reshaping how outsiders view it. The trail is putting Indianapolis on the map as a place to see bold innovation, along with the Colts and some car races in a town long known as an international racing capital, home to the Indy 500 and the Indianapolis Motor Speedway.

The Indianapolis Cultural Trail, unveiled last May, took 12 years to plan and six more to construct. Funded by private donations and federal grants, the $62.5 million result is an accessible urban connective tissue — an amoeba of paths shot through with lush greenery and commissioned works of public art.


Residents and visitors from nearby cities like Cincinnati and Louisville, Ky., are using the trail to explore Indianapolis with new enthusiasm, city officials said, and more convention planners are now choosing Indianapolis because of it. Planners from cities including Cologne, Germany; Portland, Ore.; and Miami have also come to take stock of the trail that Indianapolis has blazed.


      THX 4 all of U!!