City of Dublin, Ireland Bike and Green Leaders to Help us Tour Dublin Aug 31

Here at the beginning of last week, the election results for the City of Dublin were finalized. And bikes won. And Green won.


Andrew Montague <link>, the man who ushered in the Irish capital  city’s wildly successful bike rental scheme and represented Dublin as its Mayor in 2012 when he rode in a San Jose, CA (Dublin’s sister city) bike event, was re-elected. Also voted in was architect and university lecturer Ciaran Cuffe <link>. Ciaran represents the Green Party.


As a part of our now International Mayors’ Ride, both Andrew and Ciaran will help me show their city off when we do our micro Tour of Dublin on Sunday, Aug 31,  Time and start location very soon.


 Go Green. Go Bikes. Yahoo.


      THX 4 all of U!!