Invisible Hand of Ron Bishop & American River from Folsom Downhill Direction for Mary Ann Blackwell

The former Bike Mayor of Oakland, Ron Bishop RIP, is guiding us from  a different level now. So much so, that we are riding the American River Parkway from Folsom, instead of to it. That is how Ron used to ride it.

When Mary Ann Blackwell, the woman who founded the Bay Area Easy Riders Touring Group with Ron, told me he preferred going this way because it was slightly downhill,  it turned  my listening up. You see Mary Ann had been complaining that leaving from Sacramento would have put too much strain on her knees. This is  why we are not leaving from the picturesque State Capitol this year. And if it works out, why we may be leaving from Folsom from here on out.

As such, our annual ride down America’s top greenway (see and hear about it HERE), the American River Parkway will be led by Sacramento Bike Coordinator, Ed Cox <link> on his HiWheel talked about HERE. John Erickson will be there on his stunning RBR Superior . As will probably half a dozen other HiWhel bikes. I’m even bring my Eagle <link> from Ireland for this and all our other Bay Area Mayors’ Rides!!