Lori Yung, the woman who in 1995 helped me do my first web page and get BikeRoute.com on line as one of the first few hundred web pages in existence in all the world has remained with me on and off over the years to help me advance the on-line needs of the NBG dream. Far ahead of the tech curve at a point in time when people thought the www.BikeRoute.com on my bicycle fairing were the call letters for a ham radio operator, Lori has always been my ace. I have never been able to stump her with a question about my web programming efforts.
If that’s not enough, here recetnly she helped me transition our 1000+ page web site to BlueHost.com after an Indian service provider had made a total mess of the files over the decade we had been with them. Not to mention the butcher job they did on the on-line mapping service they then closed down on us (a God job as instead of bikes and greenways we’d probably be lost in trying to keep up with Google and all the amazing tools and advances they now make free to anyone who runs a website). Lori also helped me with the huge job of transfering hundreds of pages of blogs to their new WordPress home when Posterous,com closed its doors. In fact she did most of the work!
Now in the small amount of free time she has from her work as a programmer at Intel, she manages the overview map she created of the coast-to-coast route that interacts with Google in real time at http://BikeRoute.com. Talk about a magician, her work is so complex that every time I try to go in and make a simple change to any of the the mapping data, I shut that part of the map down. I can’t even copy and paste any of her work to other maps I thought I could run the result at.
None of us interested in seeing a coast-to-coast bicycle greenway made real can thank Lori Yung enough for all the work she has done very far behind the scenes. Whoaaa..
I hope she doesn’t mind my blowing her cover with this…..
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