HERE are the 18 cities that anchor our route from San Francisco to Washington, DC.
At the above link(for which we need a volunteer graphic artist to embellish the page with a stylized map and/or other graphic as noted HERE), you can learn where to ride, eat, sleep and play in:
Santa Cruz | SanJose | Palo Alto | San Francisco | Oakland | Sacramento | Reno |Salt Lake CIty | Boulder | Denver | Omaha | Des Moines | Chicago | Indianapolis | Cincinnati | Columbus | Pittsburgh | Washington, DC
There you will also see this qualification’
Note: Since 2002, our Mayors’ Ride program has sent NBG Scouts off in search of the best roads and paths that run through and connect the major cities between San Francisco and Washington DC. In making these cities attractive to cyclists, we are using NBG Biking Cities to show that the large cities you see here are most enjoyable on a bike once you know where to ride, eat, sleep, shop, sightsee and play in them. Toward that end, we have enjoined the knowledge of local cyclists and city bike coordinators to let the eighteen major stops on our coast-to-coast route be seen from the pedal machine’s perspective. .
The report cards that you will find here, since they have been compiled by city staff, also have the effect of placing each of these population centers in friendly quality of life competition with one another. This as they also use our NBG Biking Cities as a forum to showcase the good two wheel work they are doing. This, of course, creates a momentum that will grow in size and stature.
As such, we have a large chunk of the data in place. And will continue our work to get it both current and complete..
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