Tall Wheel Speed Fallacy Podcast

SzX7E20txmKhmlpC6qXwDM-temp-upload.awwbnzbfDuring the seven years I was off the recumbent front lines, learning and riding HiWheel bikes, an interesting development took place in the recumbent bike world, Not only were more bent cyclists on trikes, a trend I like to think I pioneered when I wrote this widely read review  of the Peninger trike back in 2001, but more bent cyclists seemed to be on tall-wheeled machines. They were buying them because the industry had convinced them they were faster.

This made no sense to me. Espacially when I recalled how the UCI banned the funny bikes with smaller front whelels from racing compeition because they were rewriting the speed racing history books. So I sought out Tim Brummer of Lightning Cycle Dynamics for an answer.

Seems instead of selling the fastness of his smaller wheeled bikes, he has been caught up in divorce proceedings for the last few years and has not had the time or money to promote the speed superiority of his machines This as Ian Simms, who makes the also small wheeled, fast Greenspeeds is in another hemisphere where he is unable to make a lot of noise about the superior speed of a smaller wheel bike.

So I did a podcast with Tim, who also happens to be a high caiber engineer fron the aerospace undutry for an explanation. HERE is the podcast.

It is so important and has been so massively accessed that we also had it turned into a written narrative HERE.