San Jose to Palo Alto via the car-free Guadulupe River Trail!!

The first leg of the National Bicycle Greenway
now starts on an epic car-free greenway!!

Screen shot 2015-04-15 at 10.20.25 PMWe’re starting this May 9, 9AM ride on a 6.5 mile section of the Guadulupe River Trail that ends at the bottom of the San Francisco Bay!! Too exciting as this paved car-free greenway trail was recently completed!! It has a beautiful riding surface and makes you feel like you are in the middle of nowhere as a busy city rushes about all around you

​Bicycle leader and former Palo Alto Mayor, Yoriko Kishimoto, will be leading us, with SJSU Professor, and former stunt man, Randal Mitchelll! Keep an eye out for the Ordinary Luge trick that he has promised for us on his 19th Century bike!

If that’s not enough, San Jose Transportation Director, Hans Larsen, is trying to clear his schedule for that day and Yoriko’s brilliant husband, Lee Collins, an Asian language wizard who played a huge part in establishing Apple computer’s dominance in the Pacific Rim and recently met with the Dalai Lama in Japan, will be there too! 2006 NBG coast-to-coast scout, Scott Campbell will be there as will Barry Burr, inventor of the revolutionary Barry Beams bike lighting system. 2004 NBG coast-to-coast scout, Don Loomis, another Apple powerhouse, is also trying to make room for this slow ride that Martin Krieg will be setting the pace for on his rare 10-13 mph Eagle!

Add to all of the above the fact that Yoriko is inviting her other bicycle friends, city and local bike organization leaders, and this easy ride will not be one you want to miss!! Be at San Jose City Hall at 9AM!!

Here is an overview of the Guadulupe River Trail as produced by the City of San Jose.


See the ROUTE

Join Us
You can just ride the 6.5 mile Guadulupe River Trail
and return on it on your own if you want.