Exciting Bicycle Giant Interviews Coming Soon

Keep your listening turned up for some exciting interviews with long-time giants in the recumbent and upright bicycle worlds. Once our May Bike Month Mayors’ Ride campaign is complete, we will get on the phone and talk to some big names in the two-wheel world.



First up in June, we’ll hear from the legendary Pete Penseyres and how he trained on Tim Brummer’s Lightning Cycle Dynamics  recumbent for his 1986  RAAM world record of 3107 miles in 8 days, 9 hours, and 47 minutes that stood the test of time for 28 years.


Also in June. we’ll  be spending some time with Peter Stull,  the owner of the largest recumbent museum on the planet at what is also arguably the largest recumbent bike shop in the world, Bicycle Man. Also the man who kept BikeE owners on their bikes long after the company ceased operations and has engineered the Linear Recumbent such that it is becoming a machine that is acquiring a fast increasing degree of respect, Peter will talk about the machines he has in his collection when we soon get together!

11054463_10200181726701870_5901883246538478739_nAnd as I continue the research for what will be in my Recumbent History  talk at Recumbent Cycle Con in Cincinnati in September, I keep getting reminded of the stuff of legends  that is right before my eyes. Toward that end, we will also speak with Rob Gentry of Recumbent Bicycle Riderslocated in State College, PA. In his several decades as a purveyor of all things bent, Rob has also seen a lot of manufacturers come and go as he stays at the cutting edge of what’s new and supine. We’ll also discuss some of the stuff he’s now selling that promises to make recumbent cycling more affordable for  more people.

And if we can work out the details we hope to be able to have a few words with Dale Clark the long time owner of the Pacific Northwest recumbent giant, Angle Lake Cyclery. We hope to talk about all the different offerings he’s seen, including the bike he once had an exclusive on, the Counterpoint Opus. A recumbent/upright tandem, Bilenky Cycle Works now makes the Opus  and calls it the Bilenky Viewpoint. Perhaps we can also find out how Steve Bilenky came to produce that still cutting edge machine and his dealings with the musician who first brought it into being……