Marilyn Hayward‘s legacy lives on! The men she passed the torch to, the managers of her two shops, Robert Holler and Jonathan Garcia, have created an all new recumbent shop in Portland. While Robert comes from a long business career as a city planner and then a building project manager involved with finances and critical path work, Jonathan is a long-time industry veteran and was sponsored by Schwinn as a top ranked pro-BMX racer
When Marilyn’s head injury left her with some of her limitless capacities compromised, she entrusted the running of her shop to Robert and Jonathan. In keeping her spirit alive, they even have Julie Nowelll on their staff. Also a former Coventry Cycle Works employee, Julie was Marilyn’s best friend.
The shop they have opened is called Rose City Recumbent Cycles. For those who do not live there, Portland is referred to as The City of Roses. And what they have given it is a top-class bicycle buying experience unlike any other.
And their doors are now open where among many of their high-end offerings are those of two legends in the recumbent industry, Timothy R. Brummer‘s Lightning Cycle Dynamics Race Across America winning machines and Maria Parker’s also RAAM winning Cruzbikes!!
They also carry the cutting edge Rans recumbents now led by Jerrell Nichols who we know will do a great job of filling Randy Schlitter‘s monstrous shoes. You can also expect to find all the top trikes from all the cutting edge brands.
Next week, we will be interviewing Jonathan and Robert, two men who we know will take recumbent cycling to a whole new level in the Pacific Northwest!! Do stay tuned!!
THX 4 all of U!!
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