I will be in Reno for the next two weeks exploring that city so cyclists can better understand why we have made it one of the 19 NBG Biking Cities that connect San Francisco to Washington DC. In many ways like what the Fodor’s Travel Guide people do, I will be taking a hard look at Reno. Only I will be doing so from a cyclist’s perspective. My research will focus on where to ride, eat, sleep, shop, play and recreate as based from a bicycle seat.
The bike I am riding is a phenomenal recumbent made by a long-time friend who never quite got the machine marketed properly. Called Advanta, its inventor, Clive Buckler, packed a ton of engineering into a bike that does a lot of things a bike needs to do. And as an added bonus, the bike is surprisingly fast.
I just got the bike fro FedEx today. Built it and rode it a comfortable and fun 15 or so miles. During that time, a guy on his road bike flew by me as I was starting up at an intersection. His calves were bulging. I started shifting gears. In all of a hundred yards I had reeled him in. He was startled. He told me he was surprised how fast the bike was. We chatted for a bit and he had to make his turn.
I will keep you posted on this fun bike and my maneuverings in Reno!
THX 4 all of U!!
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