Seeing the Biggest Little City in the World from a Bicycle Seat!

Rode the beautiful Truckee River path for the first time since my Eagle Hiwheel ride from San Francisco to Salt Lake City in 2009. Located two blocks from Harrahs, I got on it very near the world famous sign that reads, “Reno, the biggest little city in the world” per the below photo.


While six years ago, I earned every one of my miles, today on the Advanta, the riding was so easy that I didn’t think twice about missing streets (three or four times)  and having to make several mile u-turns. On my way to the Ultimate Rush Thrill Park where they have bungie jumping, go-kart racing and miniature golf , etc, on the Truckee, I learned that even though I did  miss Sutro to get to Kietzke, that the river had an off ramp to Kietzke I was also able to use, which I did on the way back, to get to my destination.

As it turned out, the Ultimate Rush Thrill Park was a part of the massive Grand Sierra Resort (GSR) hotel complex. On a hot 99 degree day, I learned that  left turns for cyclists  from the nice bike lanes on  Mill Rd into the giant complex of fun were not given any thought by city engineers. As an experienced pedaler I knew how to get the result I needed but would I want my 4-year old Cayo out there with me? I think not.

A massive concrete walled lake flanks the GSR.I would come to discover that I was used as a driving range and to cool the hotel towers. As for the out door fun the bungie jumping was marked by a white tower behind the equally tall lodging venue. At $25 a pop, there were no takers while I was there. Ditto for the nearby miniature gold course. The go-karts looked fun and several groups of teenagers were keeping them busy.

Next I rode to REI. Because they are a bike shop as well as a store that can outfit for bike camping, I needed to have them on our tour. On the way, on smooth roads, with bike lanes, I soon found myself in front of the Reno International airport!! Usually such facilities are miles from the city center. Here I was only three or four miles from Reno City Hall, easily accessed by bike laned streets and the Truckee river bike path!!

Went inside REI and filled up on some very cold water from their drinking fountain. I also explained to one of their mangers what I was doing. He was very interested, gave me his card and said he will run what I send up the corporate flagpole

Being fairly close to Whole Foods, I fought the urge to stop in for some refreshment on this hot day. Instead I kept looking for worthy stops. And as I did, I made lots of wrong turns and way over shot (by probably two miles)  my turn looking for Jamaica Park. I found it at last and it gets struck off our list of Reno Attractions. Filled with pretty green grass, all I saw there was  a baseball park and not much else. Not worth a ride from downtown.

A couple other   parks didn’t live up to their billing either. Those got struck too. One one of my detours, I did come across  what looks like a convention center that I will have to research.  I also came across this cowgirl on my my way home on Kietzke, what has become a big part of my Reno riding.

This time, I rode Kietzke all the way back to the Truckee River path of which here is some of what it looks like going the other way!

This little city is starting to really grow on me. Oh, and did I tell you I am at 4,500 feet? Maybe that’s why  I felt my lungs burning a taste today as I ran down a guy who kept jumping way ahead of me at stop lights. Hmm, I guess I gotta learn how to start better…..