Bicycle Hand Carting – ugh……

Yesterday, I rolled an arduous two miles home from the Davis train station with the load you see here. Two suitcases and my computer bag. Michael Gabriel loaned me the bike that I locked up at the train station. But after I took the bags over there and the train folks charged me $8 dollars while I took my trailer home, I decided they were not going to get another $8 from me while I went home and got it. You see they held my bags for free for me last time.


And it’s slow, hunched over riding to pull bags next to you as you ride. And they even got caught in my pedals a few times causing a few slow speed suitcase crashes. But I made it. As I swore to see if I can track down a cart I can pull behind my bike that will carry a  suitcase or two. Anyone have any ideas? Or how can I make one?

THX 4 all of U!!