This bike makes me F A S T!!
Had the Eagle HiWheel out at 7A looking for Karin Weller’s ride. It was supposed to be at Sudwerks but no nada. So I took Lightning P-38 to Winters.
At the halfway point I started to pass Jack and Mike in the first photo here but gladly kept a fast pace and learned that Jack has a 20 year old P-38 that he says he may start riding again. While Mike remembered me from a long bike visit we had at the Davis Food CoOp a number of weeks ago, He looked different in bike gear. And he is a huge bike guy indeed.
Also on the way out I saw some UCD students taking pictures on the historic Stephenson Bridge so I got them to get a few of me WITH the Lightning.
Winters was its usual festive bike self with probably 20 or 30 pricey road bikes and their riders hanging out at Steady Eddy’s Coffee House.
On the way back, just as I was leaving Winters, a powerful looking, twenty something tri-rider, hunkered into his aero bars, inspired me to push my pace a bit. By the time he caught me three or four minutes and 10 miles later when my chain broke on Russell at the freeway, he exclaimed that I was his inspiration. Back when he had caught me but could stay on my wheel, he noted, “dude you were well over 23 mph the whole way”.
I know I am a strong rider, as I told him, but hey, it’s the bike!!
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