Holiday Productivity for Exciting NBG 2016 + Eagle video!

I am coming up for air after dedicating my Holiday Season to getting important work done. I finished the first draft of the manuscript for  “How to Move Mountains with Love and How Love Can Revitalize Our Communities, Nation and the World with the National Bicycle Greenway”. Now I can start looking for an editor (suggestions welcome). Due in April, I will be using the next several months to keep tweaking it as I also search for an artist for the book’s cover (suggestions welcome here as well). All this  as I power back into the campaign that will, using the example of our Virtual Tour of Reno, allow me  to research (on the collapsible Lightning P-38 Voyager)   as many as five east coast NBG Anchor cities for the purpose of their getting Virtual Tours of their own. This after we tour the SF Bay Area and American River Pkwy next May.Here is the  Schedule.

Just also got the transcription loaded of the podcast interview I did with Jerrell Nichols, the new owner of Rans Bicycles. In preparing  it for the written word, I am even more impressed by Jerrell and the magic I know he and his wife will bring to Rans. Do consider this from our exchange:


“If car manufacturers tried to build bikes they would build cars where you put a bunch of weight on the steering wheel and sat on a narrow seat and had to lift your head to look out of the windshield, it’s questionable how many cars you would actually sell.”


Johan Verink, from Holland sized this down to 43 seconds and sent it to me!! This was taken of me “flying” The Eagle Bicycle at Trader Joe’s here in Davis, CA. It was wet out and I had a lot of stuff I was carrying so the mount was not graceful……

THX 4 all of U!!