Just got a space reservation for my new book “How to Move Mountains with Love and How Love Can Revitalize You, Our Communities, Nation and the World with the National Bicycle Greenway” from a man who is committed to spreading the Love because the recumbent bicycle made it possible for him to do so! As in Yahoo! I mean it has been Jose’s enthusiasm for the new lease on life that recumbent cycling has given him that he uses to help him lead the way for the surge in popularity the recumbent is enjoying the state of Florida.
Here is where Jose was at the 1990’s came to a close:
That one ride (on a recumbent, ed) may have actually saved my life! You see, a few years ago I was in such bad physical shape I couldn’t get life insurance! Suffice it to say that my body was falling apart. Fortunately, it only took one ride on a ReBike for me to see the light! I realized that Recumbent Cycling REALLY MEANT NEVER Having to Say You’re Sore and, I quickly adopted that as my slogan. Suddenly, I became a bent enthusiast and started to collect all kinds of recumbent bicycles. I discovered that recumbent bikes are the coolest, fastest and most comfortable bikes in the world. I became a bent evangelist on a mission.
In addition to his full-time job as a system integration engineer, Jose, in his free time, not only leads and sets up recumbent rides but he has also been a long-time, respected journalist in the field and founded Bent Rider On-Line with Bryan Ball.
WoW, I am so proud that Jose is one of the people helping to make “How to Move Mountains with Love” possible! Thank you Jose!!
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