This is the new introduction for where links for the below can all be accessed!
By combining the work our NBG Scouts did from 1998 to 2010, with the crowd sourced bike route data that Google now has on line, the above is the San Francisco to Washington, DC connection we are proposing. To turn it into a greenway, safe for cyclists, in mirroring what Carl Fisher did with the Lincoln Highway (America’s first coast-to-coast car road described HERE), we have moved our operation to where the Lincoln was based – Indianapolis! Not only will we be broadcasting this example, we will be using Martin Krieg’s new book, detailed below, to shine light on another Indianapolis earth shaking difference maker.
When business people here got together to try to replicate all the success its Greenway system was having at the edges of town with one that would revitalize the city core, their result, the Indianapolis Cultural Trail, has caused the city to come alive with a powerful and exciting vitality. In building America’s first Downtown Greenway, they also put in place the shimmering example we will be encouraging the major population centers along our route to replicate. And when they do. when they too fill with cyclists, the push we have long foreseen for greenways all across America that connect to these new centers of fun will become the new way business is done in the USA!
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