St Mary’s Church 1910 (one block from Cultural Trail)

St Mary’s Catholic Church, the steeples of which can be seen from many parts of the city’s downtown, as well as from  the Cultural Trail, was built by the German Catholic community in 1910. It is one block from the German built Athenaeum.

About a mile away, in Fountain Square, is St Patricks church, built in 1897 for the Irish Catholic community. While under half a mile away from St Patricks is Holy Rosary built in 1925 for the Italian Catholics. The Italian Catholics, the Irish Catholics  and the German Catholics did not at all mix back in the day………….

All three Indianapolis downtown Catholic Churches spun off from St John’s which was built in 1871 a block from the State Capitol downtown.

What it looks like inside – 

Other posts about Indianapolis history Martin Krieg created as he wrote "How Indianapolis Built America" are at this link HERE