NBG Action Plan
As we reinvent ourselves here in Indianapolis, here is the plan we will move forward with once I cross a few more T’s and dot a few more I’s as I get us more settled here. On the front burner right now is helping Indianapolis with its 200-year birthday in 2020. This as I shine a very bright spotlight on it as having the most hands down bike friendly downtown in America.

Toward the end of connecting cyclists with cities large and small all across America, in time making the bicycle the most popular travel option, the NBG will:
1. Identify existing bikeways across the US and form the network needed to interconnect them with data collected on line and from other sources
2. Identify those links that are missing from the above network and determine how to best fit them into it where roads designed for cars cannot be made safe for human power
3. Establish the design standards for the above bikeable roads and paths using California and Oregon Department of Transportation standards
4. Help communities embellish their connections to the Greenway network by assisting with fund raisers, corporate sections, donor benches, donor bricks, etc.
5. Use our annual Mayors’ Rides to publicize our vision and collect resources for it
6. Hold yearly bike festivals celebrating Mayors’ Ride riders
7. Establish a coast to coast network of NBG offices / hubs in Mayors’ Ride cities
8. Establish a speakers bureau to place bicycling and the Greenway vision before students, corporations, service clubs and bicycle organizations.
9. Circulate and update informational video (http://www.BikeRoute.com/NBGPowerPoint.ppt ) about our organization that will be shown at schools, bike clubs, etc.
10. Monitor and encourage government participation
11. Educate the public about the Greenway network and bicycling’s importance with seminars, bike expos and children’s safety programs.
12. Solicit commercial sponsors to help promote cycling, the Greenway and related events and merchandise high quality bike related products and services
13. Joint venture National Bicycle Greenway novelty items (T-shirts, hats, flashlights, etc) sales on the web (http://NationalBicycleGreenway.com/store) with supportive businesses throughout the country. These will serve as miniature billboards that will populate the American consciousness with our message
14. Establish NBG-(city).com domain names for each of our Mayors’ Ride cities along with free email suffixes for individuals complete with localized blogs and photo galleries
15. Build a national computerized online database which will provide names of persons and agencies who will help individuals in the various regions across the country to further their parts in this project
16. Release pro-cycling and pro-Greenway articles to the media on a regular basis
17. Publish a quarterly newsletter that will keep NBG membership aware of all new developments
18. Apply for grants from foundations, trusts and individuals interested in promoting cycling and making the Greenway a reality
In building the National Bicycle Greenway, the NBG (soon to be re-established as a nonprofit corporation) will also seek to make it easier for cyclists to get to and from not only the main Greenway network, but anywhere they go on a bike. Toward this end, we will also serve as an information clearing house, both for transportation planners and other Greenway builders as well as for bike riders themselves.
As a result of such efforts, the National Bicycle Greenway network will establish all forms of human power as desirable parts of the transportation mix.
The National Bicycle Greenway is a rare opportunity to become involved with an important project as it rebuilds itself.
By joining the NBG family, you can join us in a movement toward a healthier America and a healthier world.
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