Kent with his sister, Melody
WJR cyclists from the Wally’s Big Belly Bike Shop were there. L-R, Christopher Thomas, Tim Pfeiffer, Michael Hager, Brian George Piper, Robert Houpt, Kent Crocket, Melody Crockett
Also honoring Kent was world-class unicyclist, Eddie Moffat. Here is what he and 50-inch Eagle HiWheel cyclist, Martin Krieg, looked like as they played at the Soldiers & Sailors Monument in the centermost point of Indianapolis.
Here is a worthy video of who all was there
We rode next to Fountain Square, where we met up with David Hendricks and Brenda Riddle

L-R Kent Crockett, Dana Catt, Ray, Norris Hendricks
When we got back to the Monument, Ray Brewer was there
At the Monument, one of the city’s law enforcement persons knew Kent and his sister pretty well because of Melody & Dana Catt’s (pictured at right) kids sports teams..
Who was there:Kent Crocket, Melody Crockett, Melody’s husband, Dana Catt, Eddie Moffat, Christopher Thomas, Tim Pfeiffer, Martin Krieg, Michael Hager, Brian George Piper, Robert Houpt, Richard Chandler, Ray Brewer, Vidal, Norris Hendricks, Chad Coop and his son, Bailee, David Richardson, Jonathon Myers and his sons, Judah and Zion, Kenneth Shaggy Chestnut
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