Riders Wanted for Mayors’ Ride 2020 to Indianapolis Bicentennial

The 2020 Mayors’ Ride will be coming from San Francisco, Washington, DC and our 17 other NBG Anchor cities  to the Indianapolis Bicentennial! At this event, set to run into some of 2021, we have scheduled a reception and  micro tour of the Indianapolis Cultural Trail that explores the top biking downtown in America, for September 20, 2020.
If you want to see what some of the rides we have been doing since 2002 look like, go HERE 
You can also see Scott Campbell’s amazing ride from Boston to San Francisco HERE
We may even resurrect the Boston to DC flank if per the dates noted at the link below, an experienced cycle tourist wants to ride it solo or with friends – 
Boston Tu 8/18
Providence Fri 8/21
Bridgeport Mon 8/24
New York Tu 8/25
Philly Fri 8/28
Labor Day weekend
Baltimore Tu 9/1
Mt Rainier. Th 9/3 (Mt Rainier, MD, seven miles from the Capitol, hosted our Cycle America 2000 event with a festival in their city and ride around the Capitol Mall)
If interested in riding, contact us at NBG@BikeRoute.com . Soon we will have our rebuilt application on line that you can use to tell us about yourself and your riding experience. If accepted, you will get a National Bicycle Greenway blog page of your own that you can use to acquire support for your ride
THX 4 all of U!!