Moved some things around in the NBG hub floor plan. In crunching the numbers for the NBG Coffee Shop/juice bar, I can see, as a profit center, it really does need to be showcased. As such it will be our entrance and look out upon our show bikes:
NBG coffee shop/juice bar
At the street level, the doors to the NBG coffee shop/juice bar will serve as the main entrance to our building. Its customers will be able to look out upon the antique bikes and other pedal machines our volunteers, staff and youth in training will have restored as well as built for the show bike area. Cyclists like to be around other cyclists to exchange ideas, learn about the cycling conditions in various areas, as well as find out about new hardware and tips and tricks, etc. This is why group rides are so popular and why our refreshment center can be such a powerful magnet.
This is so because a comfortable place does not exist where bike riders can put their feet up and relax around other cyclists. Especially when the weather is too hot or too cold. This is why our warm in the winter and air-conditioned in the summer, coffee shop/juice bar will stir up a buzz that gives added purpose to coming to our Hub. This as they mix in with the general public who will also feel called to know more about our facility as they themselves get caught up in the bicycle energy at hand.
Museum/Show Bikes
A small 500 square foot museum will be established to display bikes and other memorabilia representative of each of the decades from 1880 to the present. Here everything from velocipedes, Penny Farthings and the early two wheel push bikes to 3-speeds and ten-speeds, load carriers, bike trailers, fully loaded tour bikes, army bikes, folding bikes and mtn bikes and recumbents, etc, will all cycled in and out for display. Voice recorded tours will explain each of the exhibits and stress the importance of cycling to the needs of the people in the day in age in which they served as well as for a healthy planet and full, complete and more stress free life today.
The bikes themselves will be donated for this purpose from the local community. Such bikes will be on loan to the hubs on a contract basis in exchange for free membership privileges and/or a tax deduction. Those worthy pieces gifted on a permanent basis for the collection will be annually cycled throughout the national NBG Hub system.
The bikes themselves will be regularly cleaned by the Hub mechanics and their display will include photos and other memorabilia from the time they roamed the streets. Handsome placards, set on wooden easels, describing the bike, will define each machine.
This museum will be regularly visited by school children in each of the cities they serve and there will be an admission charge for people over 18 (free to NBG Members). These museums will add to the value of each our Hubs as important destination centers for touring cyclists as well as for local two wheelers.

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