NBG Scouting Parties Lottery

NBG Scouting Parties Lottery
Be a part of the building of the National Bicycle Greenway
Enter drawing to win a Lightning Phantom

Indianapolis to Cincinnati. One ticket
Indianapolis to Chicago (On USBR 35). One ticket
Cincinnati to Columbus. One ticket
Columbus to Pittsburgh. One ticket
Pittsburgh to DC. Three tickets. (On the Great Allegheny Passage/C&O)
Chicago to Des Moines. Three tickets
Des Moines to Omaha. One ticket
Omaha to Denver. Three tickets
Denver to Salt Lake. Three tickets
Salt Lake to Reno. Three tickets
Reno to Sacramento. One ticket
Sacramento to Davis. One ticket
Davis to Napa. One ticket
Napa to Oakland. One ticket
Oakland to San Francisco. One ticket

* Your entry will include pictures and a written description^ of your daily experience of the travel way complete with a Google routing of the roads and paths you selected. All of this will appear at our National Bicycle Greenway blog. –

You will also be interviewed for your NBG bio complete with a picture(s) of yourself and bike that will appear at our site as your being one of the builders of the National Bicycle Greenway.

^ If you don’t want to write, we can assign a reporter to you who will field your phone call(s) from the road and write about your journey.

Drawing Date TBA