San Francisco to Palo Alto |
39 |
Palo Alto to Oakland |
42 |
Oakland City Hall to Napa City Hall |
73 |
Napa City Hall to Davis City Hall |
57 |
Davis CA to Sacramento State Capitol |
15 |
Sacramento State Capitol to Folsom City Hall |
29 |
Folsom City Hall to Reno City Hall |
146 |
Reno City Hall to Salt Lake City Hall via HWY 50 |
600 |
Salt Lake City to Boulder/Golden/Denver |
601 |
Denver to Omaha |
600 |
Omaha to Des Moines |
150 |
Des Moines to Chicago |
374 |
Chicago to Indianapolis |
276 |
Indianapolis to Cincinnati |
113 |
Cincinnati City Hall to Columbus |
125 |
Columbus State House to Pittsburgh |
200 |
Pittsburgh to Washington, DC |
309 |
3749 |