NBG Builder Certificate Rides

Every year, similar to the treks (many are religious in nature) that occur every year across Spain on the 485 mile Camino de Santiago, where little towns are quietly visited on foot and by bike, our San Francisco to Washington, DC route will become the well worn way to really see America by doing so without a car.  In the same way, motor courts sprung up to service the lodging and R&R needs of Lincoln Hwy travelers, in the smaller towns along the way, Pedal Courts to accommodate cycle tourists will spring up along our route. These and other businesses that service the needs of motor free travelers will also crop up all along the way.


 Cyclists who ride all or parts of our Greenway can also receive an NBG Builder Certificate  for each color coded section they ride, similar to the ‘Compostela’ that Santiago trail users receive. Every year, each ride on our route will help us understand it better. It will be through the blogs we maintain for our cycle tourists and other information we collect from them, that we will learn about the merchants along the way, the points of interest, those areas that need attention and all those other variables we will need to know to actually get NBG mile markers in the ground..

These will be issued from our Indianapolis office for riders who satisfy certain requirements in getting a form signed off by participating merchants (those business purveyors who renew their NBG Passport Licenses every year) along the way. This will give bike riders a way to say they have ridden across the USA by doing so in sections.