Loneliest Highway by Jack Dresson

There’s a road across Nevada that they all talk about.It’s the loneliest, they say, and every mile a drought. They see only sand and sagebrush, a land with no tall trees. And they say if you find trouble, it’s a desperate place to be.If they could ride inside my heart for awhile, and look out through my eyes, They’d see a different world out there, and I’ll bet they’d be surprised

To see a land of friendship, with memories to share. If they could ride inside my heart for a while, I’d love to take them there.

Over there ghost town sleeps, and dreams away the day. Will crowds of eager people ever again pass its way? Time has passed and left it to be, to gracefully grow old.

Thank God for a piece of America that’s not been bought – or sold. Sometimes I can almost hear them, in the mines, and mills and stores. The voices of those who blazed this trail a century before.Their stories light my memory like the glow of hidden gold. And I can’t help but wonder how many stories went untold. By day the sunshine warms me, like the smiles of newfound friends,

As I wonder out through history, stopping now and then.A welcome wave, a helping hand, somewhere along the way. With deep respect for what used to be, they watch over it today. At night the highway glistens, for those who care to see.

Hills of silver, stars of gold, light the way for me.
Out there in the distance, a vision fills my sight.
A fearless rider, with a pouch of mail, flying through the night. Over the mountains, to the West, there’s a world where pressure reigns. And a different breed of people compete to share the pain.

That’s the place where danger lurks, a threat of another kind. Around each corner a stranger waits to steal your peace of mind. So I’ll ride out on that highway with a flying pony’s speed And somewhere between Fallon and Ely, I’ll find the peace I need.

Out there I don’t feel threatened, and I’m never quite alone. To me it’s not a lonely road; it’s heaven’s pathway home.

                    Author: Jack Dresson