Are there any developers out there who want to make a difference for the planet? Are there any big thinkers out there who would be willing to develop/overhaul our website for a 70/30 split on ad revenues? With 70% to the developer?
From my book’s outline –
Web Monetization – Create Developer team N O W !
Site Ads – http://BikeRoute.com = 1000+ pages
Map ad salesperson(s) for system-wide national ads
To underwrite:
1. Anchor City Virtual Tour Research Crews so can begin now to determine where to eat, sleep, shop and visit with a bike route that connects them
2. Other programs (brief explanations in appendix) –
NBG Membership | Marking our Coast-to-Coast route | Route signage sales persons | History placards on route w/sponsorship sales | Online Map Points of interest (POI) salespersons | NBG Main Office & Indy Hub | TransAm Rider Blog | Administer Coast-to-Coast rides on our route | Anchor Cities online sales and site maintenance | Sleeping Centers | Fundraising Campaign | National Mayors’ Ride Festival/Gateway Fest at the National Bike Capital | Mayors’ Ride Coordinator | Mayors’ Ride proclamationist | NBG Scout/Ambassador Coordinator | NBG passport | NBG Hubs |
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