Webber Monetize BikeRoute.com to Make National Bicycle Greenway Real

From the NBG Blueprint outline, while I write it, it would be awesome if we could put Anchor City research crews to work NOW. The seed capital they would need so they can begin determining where to eat, sleep, shop and visit with a bike route that connects them in our 19 other NBG Anchor Cities can be generated from our web site at BikeRoute.com.
Are there any developers out there who want to make a difference for the planet? Are there any big thinkers out there who would be willing to develop/overhaul our website for a 70/30 split on ad revenues? With 70% to the developer?
From my book’s outline –
Web Monetization – Create Developer team N O W !
Site Ads – http://BikeRoute.com = 1000+ pages
Map ad salesperson(s) for system-wide national ads
To underwrite:
1. Anchor City Virtual Tour Research Crews so can begin now to determine where to eat, sleep, shop and visit with a bike route that connects them
2. Other programs (brief explanations in appendix) –
NBG Membership | Marking our Coast-to-Coast route | Route signage sales persons | History placards on route w/sponsorship sales | Online Map Points of interest (POI) salespersons | NBG Main Office & Indy Hub | TransAm Rider Blog | Administer Coast-to-Coast rides on our route | Anchor Cities online sales and site maintenance | Sleeping Centers | Fundraising Campaign | National Mayors’ Ride Festival/Gateway Fest at the National Bike Capital | Mayors’ Ride Coordinator | Mayors’ Ride proclamationist | NBG Scout/Ambassador Coordinator | NBG passport | NBG Hubs |