In and amongst this mix of touring cyclists, are the ones traveling from one coast to the other, what we call the TransAm Cyclist. As the highest art form of cycling, their impression of a given locale is given great weight. This is so because they see the world around them at 10 miles an hour. They smell it. They hear it and they are fully ameliorated in it.
Similar to the traveling storytellers of the middle ages, their words serve as good or bad public relations for the towns and cities through which they pass. And the reason they are given credibility is because of the size of their mission. Great respect is conferred upon them because in endeavoring to ride coast to coast, they are seen as goal driven. When a man or a woman knows where he or she is going, everyone pays attention to them because they want to know what they can do to help them get wherever they are trying to get.
Once our Anchor Cities become aware of the important part TransAm Cyclists play in broadcasting their image, in building for their needs, they will help to confer a great respect upon those out for the coast to coast long-haul. As such, they will add to the honor the NBG places upon the TransAm cyclist with the NBG TransAm Hall of Fame it calls attention to in its NBG Biking Report Cards. Found on the TV infomercials that run around the clock to describe the city and hotel in question, our Hall of Fame will become an institution that grows in stature.
This will add to the subtle pressure the youth in our Anchor Cities will feel to become a part of the Hall. They will see they don’t need any special athletic skill, a certain height, weight or skin color or that there is a financial hurdle they must clear. They will see they can become a member of the NBG TransAm Hall of Fame just by doing something most anyone can do. And that is ride a bicycle.
In becoming honored in such a way, that which would set them apart from what most anyone can do, however, is developing the attributes they must be willing to learn to become a TransAm Cyclist. It is here that, if ahead of their trip, they don’t take the time to learn the importance of visualization, organization, goal setting, time management, list making, proper nutrition and the positive mental attitudes required in advance, the long distance road will teach them. They will come to understand that completing their mission as well as the quality of the ride that results, will be directly related to how well they master these skills.
Giving young people role models they can look up to is similar to what the Big Brothers and Big Sisters organization does. Instead of a formalized structure, however, we feel that by just having our long distance cyclists on the road, they will set an example the youth will want to aspire to. It is here they will be able to see for themselves the importance of their word in being able to walk their talk. They will realize that the every day person they bear witness to straddling a loaded touring machine who came from far away, is just someone who is doing what they said they would do.
As they then follow the example our TransAm Cyclists set, they will learn to take ownership for anything they say they will do. In learning the importance of their word, such knowledge will help them develop the grit, inner strength, belief, trust and hope that any of the formulas winning at the game of life requires.
You can learn more about the NBG TransAm Hall of Fame HERE.
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