Description: NBG Blueprint – Interconnecting America with a Network of Coast to Coast Bicycle Villages


“NBG – Making it Real”, begins with an overview of our bike route across America. It goes on to explain the importance of the Anchor Cities that hold our coast-to-coast connection together. Within that line of thinking, you will also learn the many reasons why Anchor Cities are needed to make the NBG financially feasible. 

Because few resources and even fewer people will feel called to our vision, unless it can generate notable revenue, here are the main money generating programs that Anchor Cities will spawn:




– NBG Membership/Downtown Lodging discounts
– Points of Interest Maps (POI)
– Biking Report Cards
– NBG Merchant Discount

These funding sources are so unique. in fact, that they get whole chapters in this book. The other sources of revenue that we foresee, some that will be talked about in this edition, others in Book Two, will come from: 

NBG Passport Sales | Marking our Route (adoption of sections, benches, mile markers, etc.) | Route Signage Sales, eg History Placard Sponsorships, etc. | NBG Hubs | Website Monetization to include Google AdSense | Map Display Ad Sales for system-wide national ads | TransAm Rider Blog Display Ads | Ride/event licensure of our route | Sleeping Centers | Fundraising Programs with Point of Sale Campaigns to include NBG Day at Whole Foods, etc. | National Mayors’ Ride Festival/Gateway Fest at the National Bike Capital

In terms of jumpstarting this effort, we will show you how we will use the seed money we will have solicited to overcome the largest impediment to cycle tourism in our cities, the cost of lodging. You will see how the prospect of inexpensive downtown lodging will then cause NBG membership to skyrocket. We feel that with membership revenues and the other fundraising programs we foresee that we can significantly offset the cost of overnight accommodations for our members. Soon, we hope that our cyclists will be able to enjoy  luxury room nights at hostel and budget hotel prices.

As we reduce the cost of overnight accommodations for our cyclists, we are also benefited in other ways. Whether on a long tour or coming in for the day from the next city, all cyclists are limited by the light. By being able to stay the night affordably, they can spend the money they save with local purveyors of food and entertainment, especially those that support us with discounts of their own. 

Another very important reason for our Anchor Cities is that they serve as placeholders for another revenue engine that will fuel the  NBG – our Points Of Interest (POI) locations. These will be important to our cyclists, because there will be icons that show them the locations along our route that point out –

ATM, bike parking, bike shop, bike rental, bar, camping, coffee, convenience store, ferry, first aid, gas station, grocery store, hardware store, health club, history, hospital, library, lodging, miscellaneous, monument, museum, outdoor/camping gear, park, parking, restaurant, rest stop, restroom, shopping, shower, summit, swimming, trail head, transit center, vista point, water

Merchants who want to stand out and/or be set apart with photos and descriptions of their offerings will become a revenue source for us. We have not even scratched the surface yet, but here is the Indianapolis POI Map, for which we are hoping that before we get financial support, a sales professional(s) will soon come forward to offer his or her direct commission sales help.

To help us here, as just one of the many ways in which their service will be indispensable to us, seed money will also be used to contract with a top tier PR firm. In my book, “How America Can Bike and Grow Rich, I talk about how the legendary advertising agency, Chiat Day, made  the Apple computer  and computers in general popular with its still famous Think Different ad at the 1984 Super Bowl. Apple also had the help of two other top tier PR firms, BBDO and Regis McKenna. By impregnating the American consciousness with our message, it will be these idea influencers, that will make certain our vision is seen as a genuinely noble one that will fill the airwaves. It will become honorable to be aligned with the National Bicycle Greenway. These firms will also help our purpose be seen as one that is necessary for the very well-being of the planet.

To do this, our PR firm will create strategically placed news releases, interviews and information about our organization and its plans.  Because of the buzz this will engender, many businesses will already be familiar with us before we make contact. This will make the job of selling them into our programs much easier. 

Coming back to our Points Of Interest, they will be located initially on the Virtual Tours we will have built that access them. As templates, for our Downtown Greenways, our tours will run from one side of the city (in not necessarily the most direct route)  to the other and connect at either end to our cross country alignment. In this book, you will also see the only working Downtown Greenway in the world, the standard bearer for what we plan to replicate in all 19 of our other main population centers – the Indianapolis Cultural Trail (ICT). HERE is a Virtual Tour of the ICT!

In the words ahead, you will see how landscape developers will help us turn the bikeway connections our Virtual Tours help us develop into tourist attractions that celebrate the unique character of each our cities. Firms that specialize in landscape architecture, design outdoor environments, especially harmonizing parks or gardens  with buildings and roads. They are made up of extremely talented individuals, people who have rebuilt decaying parts of  cities, rejuvenated  parks, transformed waterfronts and whole business districts, etc, all over America. The computer renderings and/or physical models they provide will help us get their work underwritten. In essence, we will be enlarging the scope of what Sasaki & Assoc. did to overhaul much of Indianapolis.

In “NBG Blueprint – Interconnecting America with a Network of Coast to Coast Bicycle Villages” we will show how the Indianapolis Cultural Trail has not only revitalized a dying Rust Belt center of commerce, but brought about powerful development in the rest of the city, region and state. As it has, it has also raised the profile of the cyclist.

The writing here will also describe another revenue generator  that our Anchor Cities will also make possible – our Anchor City Biking Report Cards. These will communicate what these cities look like from a cyclist’s perspective.  Answers to these questions:

# of bike lane miles | # of off road trail miles | # Bike Racks | Bike Coordinator? | Bike Maps?  Hazard Report Form? | # of bike rack equipped buses | Bikes on Trains? | # Bike shops | % of trips by bike? | Bike to Work Day? | # Colleges | # of Rain/snow days | # of days below 45 degrees | Recycled Bike Program? | Bike bridges? | Bike Boulevards? | Bike undercrossings? | Ctty Bike Repair | Population  Local Bike Activist Organizations? (Please List) |  Planned | Prepared by

will also  stand out as widely circulated documents that the media and travel publications will refer to. They will also generate notable advertising funds. Another  money generating activity we will discuss is the monetization of the 1,000 pages of content we have online.

Ten-Year Timeline

Mission: Build 19 Downtown Greenways
Critical path:

Why our route across America > the 20 Anchor Cities that hold our route together > the Indianapolis Cultural Trail > Building 19 Virtual Tours > Building 19 Downtown Greenways
Concurrent activity for Cash Flow –
Membership campaign | Monetize Web site | 19 Point Of Interest maps | Anchor City Biking Report Cards


1 Why Our Route
2 NBG Anchor Cities – 20 total 
3 Why the NBG Moved to Indianapolis
4 Rebranding Indianapolis
5 Indianapolis Cultural Trail (only Downtown Greenway in World)
6 NBG Virtual Tours
7 Downtown Greenways – connecting them
8 NBG Membership Campaign
9 Downtown Lodging Discount Program
10 NBG Merchant Discount Program
11 POI (Point of Interest) Maps
12 Anchor City Biking Report Cards (w/Making Airports Accessible)
13 Public Relations Firm and its crucial importance 
14 How PR Firms Built Computer Industry Dialogue – HBGR excerpt
15 National Mayors Rides as a Survivor-like TV series

The NBG Story
NBG Timeline
If Money Were No Object


1 Why Our Route
2 NBG Anchor Cities – 20 total 
3 Why the NBG Moved to Indianapolis
4 Rebranding Indianapolis
5 Indianapolis Cultural Trail (only Downtown Greenway in World)
6 NBG Virtual Tours
7 Downtown Greenways – connecting them
8 NBG Membership Campaign
9 Downtown Lodging Discount Program
10 NBG Merchant Discount Program
11 POI (Point of Interest) Maps
12 Anchor City Biking Report Cards (w/Making Airports Accessible)
13 Public Relations Firm and its crucial importance 
14 How PR Firms Built Computer Industry Dialogue – HBGR excerpt
15 National Mayors Rides as a Survivor-like TV series

The NBG Story
NBG Timeline
If Money Were No Object

1 Why Our Route
2 NBG Anchor Cities – 20 total
3 Why the NBG Moved to Indianapolis
4 Rebranding Indianapolis
5 Indianapolis Cultural Trail (only Downtown Greenway in World)
6 NBG Virtual Tours
7 Downtown Greenways – connecting them
8 NBG Membership Campaign
9 Downtown Lodging Discount Program
10 NBG Merchant Discount Program
11 POI (Point of Interest) Maps
12 Anchor City Biking Report Cards (w/Making Airports Accessible)
13 Public Relations Firm and its crucial importance
14 How PR Firms Built Computer Industry Dialogue – HBGR excerpt
15 National Mayors Rides as a Survivor-like TV series

The NBG Story
NBG Timeline
If Money Were No Object

In Book Two:
NBG Passport | Marking our routes | NBG Hubs | Signage salesperson(s) eg History Placard Sponsorships | Map ad salesperson(s) for system-wide national ads |  NBG Main Office & Indy Hub | TransAm Rider Blog | Administer Coast to coast rides on our route | Sleeping Centers | National Mayors’ Ride Festival/Gateway Fest at the National Bike Capital | Mayors’ Ride  Coordinator | Web Monetization