1 Why Our Route 
USA is almost half empty
Why US Hwys and significance of National Rd
SF to DC
Pgh to Washington, DC on C&O/GAP Trail
Why it goes to Chicago – why it misses St Louis
Meat packing yards, cowboys and trains
C’go was once America’s top bike city
Car Bridges
Can’t bike MO River – how settlers crossed MO c/o incessant Hills
First settlers c/replenish in North Platte basin
Airline route across USA
Interstate across USA
2 NBG Anchor Cities – 20 total
People are what make a ride memorable and enjoyable not countryside
Give tour cyclists a place they can recharge and regroup
Serve as beacons calling cyclists to them
Causes anchors to increase their own quality of life as they work to make themselves attractive to cyclists
Instigates bike tourism – Attracts rolling wallets
Engine for tourism dollars
Boosts local economy with jobs in Greenway construction, Public works road and path work
Boosts local economy with restaurant, grocery and lodging proceeds
Raises profile of cyclists
Justification for construction work
Can create staging areas so people can come from region, park and enjoy their infrastructure
How Hold National Bicycle Greenway together
NBG Anchor City Display Ad Salespersons
NBG Anchor City Coordinator
Airports making bike friendly
What they are comprised of online >
Virtual Tour Maps, Biking Report Cards, History, Bike shops, Bike Rentals,
3 Indianapolis Cultural Trail (w/link to online Virt Tour) 
Map Screenshot
Use proclamation
Cultural Trail proclamation.pages
Began as informal Virtual Tour
World’s Only
America’s First Downtown Greenway
How its configured
Lights timed, intersection interface, curb cuts, distinct brick path, distance from storefronts,
mix of storefronts on it
How it’s revitalized the downtown and city
How it feeds other Greenways
Beachfront property, large increase property values
Source city pride
Overview | Impact | New construction | Usage
A victory for merchants
4 Downtown Greenways – connecting them
Downtown Greenways.pages
Design contests (see PR Firm chapter)
Downtown Greenway Directors for all 19 other Anchor Cities
5 Virtual Tour Building – in all 19 other NBG Anchor Cities 
Do P&L
Virtual Tour Director
Set schedule
What Virtual Tours are
ID Points Of Interest (POI)
Where to eat, sleep, see shop and visit
Define city character
Connect POIs each Anchor City with TransAm Route
Becomes NBG Business Loop Route across city
Endpoints connect to routes other NBG Anchors
Route & POI Research Crews det POI, Route
G-Map developer gets POI & Route on line
Businesses recognized as POI will burgeon
Reno proposed Virtual Tour example
NBG Virt Tours integral to Future way of business
As online shopping takes over – revitalize downtowns
Irvin Quote
How Virtual Tours bec Downtown Greenways (DTG)
6 NBG Membership Campaign
Explain power of numbers importance
Underwrites staff for Virtual Tours, Biking Report Cards, POI Maps, Web Monetization
Build Online Join NBG form
Hire an NBG Membership Director
A position set to pay for itself
Begin by enrolling Charter members at $5/year first 10,000 to $20/year
Branch out to include corporate memberships
Goal of 200,000 members by March 2026.
What they get >
“NBG How Make It Real” book, Online copy “Awake Again”, Discounted rooms nights (with bike only – moves
one of the impediments to bike touring in cities), NBG Membership Key Fob (plastic laminated w/bar
code for 10% discount at participating NBG merchants. This will become available once we
reach our first 1,000 members), Listed on NBG Donor web page, Mailing list advisories, Bragging rights of saying they are helping to build the National Bicycle Greenway
7 Downtown Lodging Discount Program
Lodging Coordinator
Lodging P & L
NBG Programs to underwrite its cost
Custom maps built for interested parties
8 Merchant Discount Program
Broadens our message
Encourages merchants to value cyclist business
Increases their awareness of us on the road
Such care for cyclists trickles down to staff & customers
Merchants want make it easier for bikes to get to them w/better roadways and attentiveness
Makes us as cyclists a part of their family
9 POI (Point of Interest) Maps 
Indianapolis example
Begin selling Indy
Money engine that builds NBG and all programs
Build GMaps POI placement sales reps/sales force
POI cartographer for icon placement & build form for online uploads
Load Google mapping with business listings of where to eat, sleep, shop and visit along our route
Described NBG Blueprint 7-4-20.pages (p 29)
Recruit Nat sales force
Spreadsheet POI Sales – P&L
10 Anchor City Biking Report Cards 
What we ask –
# of bike lane miles | # of off road trail miles | # Bike Racks | Bike Coordinator? | Bike Maps? | Hazard
Report Form? | # of bike rack equipped buses | Bikes on Trains? | # Bike shops | % of trips by bike?
Bike to Work Day? | # Colleges | # of Rain/snow days | # of days below 45 degrees | Recycled Bike
Program? | Bike bridges? | Bike Boulevards? | Bike undercrossings? | Ctty Bike Repair | Population |
Local Bike Activist Organizations? (Please List) | Planned | Prepared by
Places cities in friendly competition w/one another
Gets Public Wks acknowledged for their work
Only scorecard cities can use to compare each other
Much cited and referenced, huge power potential
Reno 2016
San Francisco Biking Report Card – 2014
Do P&L
Much cited and referenced
11 NBG Rider Profiles and Blogs
See discussion in point of interest maps chapter
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